Thursday, June 4, 2020

Sing Excellent Female Vocals Or Harmonies On Your Song


I will sing your musical theatre, pop, or rock song!

Please message me about your gig before purchasing it so that I can guide you on selecting the best package and extras for your unique needs. I reserve the right to refuse a gig for any reason including excessive profanity and/or not fitting within my personal morals.

About Me

I have a strong, versatile range and have sung across the United States, including on the Grand Ole Opry. I have formal, classical training in belt and legit voice. Please let me know if you have any questions or want to learn more about my qualifications.

Thank you for placing your order today! I look forward to singing on your song. I will send you all the dry tracks in .wav file format. 

Important Information for You

  • Lyrics must be provided. Please contact me to negotiate lyric editing
  • Melody must be provided
  • Harmonies can be provided or requested by ear
  • If your questions aren't answered in the FAQ or Requirements section, please message me and we will negotiate your individual needs


: : : : :

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