Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Make And Play You A Little Song On My Uke


What's this?Hey! I am here to do one of the things that i love (play my uke) and make you guys your very own songs'!

What kind of song?Well, all music given off of a uke must sound pretty tropical i would say, the sort of thing you would hear if you went to a hot island on holiday and listened to some live music by the beach, because it's a Hawaiian instrument. However, if you would like a faster tempo song I can do that! Just tell me what you would like and i will try my best!

Will it be quick?Usually, this would take me approx. up to a day or a few hours to make but the absolute maximum amount of time that it would take me would be five days as I may not get the message on time and i tend to break my strings quite easily, so that takes a while to fix... Even so, five days would not be needed to fix my strings AND also get the message on time, it is just the absolute maximum amount of time it would take me to complete this gig just incase i am away for a few days travelling or something like that.

How long is the song?Songs will usually be 30 seconds - 1 minute long but can go on to a maximum of about 2 minutes (barely ever). Theres no 5 minute long songs of boredom here!



Cancelled order. Seller failed to deliver on time!

: : : :

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