Monday, July 30, 2018

I will ghost write original lyrics on the song and melody you provide

I will ghost write original lyrics on the song and melody you provide


First of all, I will listen to your track and then, if you want, I would like to have a little chat with you about your feelings for the song and about some references you could have (these are optional but they would help me to meet your tastes).
Right after this, I will start writing the lyrics and/or the melody which best suit the given music (I can write both in English and Italian).
When this process is completed, we will get in contact to understand if you like the work and if you want to make some changes. This procedure will be repeated until you are happy about the result.
Only at this point, I will deliver to you a PDF file with the lyrics written on it and a demo vocal recording.
If you choose the Basic or the Standard package, I will ask to have 50% of the lyrics royalties.







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