Friday, July 27, 2018

I will looking to bring your song to life

I will looking to bring your song to life


As a songwriter you may not be a singer but you can 'hear' that song in your head. This is where I come in. I can help you to 'hear' your ideas and if needed assist to create thea full song. 

We start with a taste. This way as a writer or producer you can see for a small fee if we would work well for your situation. All genres accepted but I reserve the right to decline a project.  

Using your provided music I will create a demo based on your own melody and provided lyrics. A direct interpretation of the melody and structure. Please let me know if you want to be exact or if creative license is allowed to bring life to the song. Many times what is on paper does not translate well to lyrics.  

I can assist with the songwriting, structure and melodies if needed. 

It will be delivered in .wav and .mp3 format for listening and review. 







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