Friday, July 27, 2018

I will write and/or sing your song, hook, and/or verse. Once song is ready to be released and is up to my quality standards, I will promote it to my 17k+ Instagram followers. + See More

I will write and/or sing your song, hook, and/or verse. Once song is ready to be released and is up to my quality standards, I will promote it to my 17k+ Instagram followers. + See More


I will write and/or sing the verse, hook , or chorus on your song.

My pricing packages are for time spent on the project, recording/engineering fees, as well as branding risk fee. I will decline or accept an offer at my discretion. Basing my decision solely on musical chemistry, and if I feel the project will benefit both of our brands.

At an additional cost, I will promote our song on all social media outlets, including my Instagram with 17k+ followers.







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