Monday, March 2, 2020

Personally Email You A New Song Everyday For The Rest Of Your Life


I promise to send/email you a new song everyday for the rest of your life or until your email address no longer exists. Everyday I will search music blogs until I find the best song I can possibly find and then email you that jam of the day. These jams will vary in genre and mood depending on the day of the week it is: Monday-Thursday- could be a songs to gently ease you into the work week or it could toss you out of bed and get shit going....or it could reflect how you would really like to burn down your office. Thursday&Friday- Are great days to get things so you can truly enjoy the weekend. So I will be providing with exceptional bangers to help motivate you and get ready for the weekend. Saturday: Wildcard. You won't know till ya get it. Sundays: are for relaxing, and cuddling. So prepare for some smooth ass jams and plenty of R&B. So sign up and have something to look forward to everyday for the rest of your life! P.S. - I promise I have exquisite music taste and will never send you awful music or awful emails in general.



cancelled order. seller failed to deliver on time!

: : : :

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