Monday, February 24, 2020

Write Lyrics For You Hip Hop Regg Dancehall And Record It


if you are a singer or DJ and need help writing your lyrics, i can help you.

. I can write lyrics, make rhythms and make people dance and sing .

you will receive:

offer - (lyrics written  (word doc.) )   5  dollar

offer - ( lyrics recorded on just a simple single beat )  gig for 35 dollar (NOT MIXED AND MASTERED) built by me )    offer - ( l( MIXED AND MASTERED) built by me )              Complete gig for $120 dollar                                                             

 special offer - (  
rhythm separately all rights TO USE.

  to find the cheapest music and audio professional that would give you the best price to fit your pocket , well stop searching, you have just reach your destination, relax unbuckle your seat belts and push the order button.  I am on it.    

    (contact me before ordering )  (Special offer  100 dollars) 


Seller's Response:

Wonderful, Thank you!

Seller's Response:

you are welcome anytime

Seller's Response:

awesome work thanks man this will help my promotions a lot

Seller's Response:

you're welcome, great working with you

Seller's Response:

Thank you

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